Many people write about the various ways to make money online, but sometimes it can pay dividends just to get out there and look for money making ideas in the real world rather than the virtual.
A good way to start is by looking for something that everyone needs, but do not necessarily enjoy doing themselves. For example, even keen gardeners have some aspect of garden maintenance that they do not enjoy.
Simply going door to door offering to cut grass, clip hedges, remove weeds from flower beds, or trim trees may well open up avenues for earning relatively modest amounts which could add up to something substantial.
If that feels a bit boy scout, washing windows might be a good variation. Of course, a few more tools are required, such as a ladder, bucket and various implements for washing and drying, and it is worth making sure that the market exists before investing.
In fact, satisfying an existing need is what making money is all about. By finding a niche, by innovation, or by copying an existing business and doing it better, cheaper or just differently, real world products can be turned into money making plans.
One of the best ways to effectively do this is to choose a product or service that also has a back end. Taking the window-washing as an example, the back end could be additional services.
A window cleaner might notice that the wooden frames need re-painting, and suggest this as an additional service to the client, when they present their bill.
Someone who just cuts grass might become a Lawn Maintenance Expert, offering advice and products alongside the service of cutting the lawn.
In fact, one of the simplest money making ideas was painting house numbers on the sidewalk, and offering to add a spy-hole in the front door as an additional service.
The trick is to find something that is easy to set up, cheap to perform, and has very little that can go wrong. Satisfied customers often means repeat business and recommendations!