There are many ways to make money fast. The legal ways to get extra cash may require some effort, depending on how much money is needed. The internet provides a way to get the word out, if you have a skill or service to provide or have unwanted household items to sell.
Selling unwanted household items is easy. You can find the closest major city and place an ad on Craigslist. The trick is to take clear pictures and provide a short, accurate description in the listing. Pricing the items just below what others are asking tends to elicit more inquiries. You want to get a fair price but you also want to get people who are willing to buy what you have and need to have it sooner. There are also plenty of other free listing sites by region and category to consider.
Free online listings are also suitable for those who can offer a service, give lessons, or provide elder or child care. If you’re offering to care for loved ones, be ready to provide good references and be willing to negotiate the feel slightly. If you’re good at playing an instrument offer lessons to beginners. If you have a ladder and other equipment, you could offer to clean gutters or rake leaves. If you like animals, offer to sit with a pet, or walk dogs. Many people these days are too busy to give their pets the kind of attention they need. You won’t get rich providing these services but you can earn some extra cash if you’re in a bind.
Don’t forget about social media sites like Facebook. Friends are good at getting the word out to their friends, especially if you ask them to repost. People are more willing to trust you if you have been recommended by your friends. Other ways to make money fast include putting up flyers in your neighborhood for services or products. Local businesses often allow neighbors to put up business cards or notices for free. Make sure to use an eye catching color for a flyer or use bright colors on white pages, so your advertisement stands out from the others.